
I began my bicycle trip thru Europe on June 13th 2019 in Stockholm and rode to Antalya, Turkey. On November 13th 2019 I flew from Antalya to Bangkok to continue my bicycle trip in Southeast Asia. Below are maps of my routes in Europe and Southeast Asia.

The straight line across the Baltic sea and the two straight lines in Germany show when I took a ferry and trains, respectively. Aside from that and a few side trips, my bicycles were my only modes of transportation. I say bicycles (plural) because the one I arrived with was stolen in Leipzig. Luckily I was able to find a good used one and the travel insurance I’m using reimbursed me for most of the cost of the stolen one. In total I rode just over 6000 kilometers from Stockholm to Antalya and 1300km from Bangkok to Phuket. A little under half of my days involved riding my bicycle, usually between 50km and 150km. The farthest I rode in one day was 170km.

Thailand route:

I stayed at hostels, with friends and family, camped at formal campgrounds, camped in random places off the road, and stayed with people I found thru a website called Warm Showers, which connects bicycle travelers with people willing to host for free. I received wonderful hospitality from warm showers hosts and learned a lot about local culture and history and good bicycle routes.

Each post in this blog has a link to photos, some text about my experiences, and a map that shows my route in greater detail and where I stayed. Each segment between markers represents 1 day of bicycling. The photos are best viewed on a computer because for some reason, google photos either truncates or leaves out the captions when viewed on the app or a mobile web browser. However, if you do use the google photos app, you can use the Google Lens feature to learn more about the image. You can see the location of where the photo was taken by clicking on the info button.

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